Accept the challenge and conquer the truest of nature's wonders!
Simple and addictive game! Just hop in and climb the highest mountains and the steepest peaks!
-Endless fun with procedurally generated levels
-Plenty of customization options to make the character your own
-Clean art style for a simple and enjoyable experience
-Intuitive controls focus to be fun and engage you
-Leaderboards to compete with strangers across the globe
-Smart Sharing will capture your triumphant highscore moment
Feedback is not only welcome but appreciated!
- 游戏特色 -
- 程序生成级别的无尽乐趣
- 大量自定义选项,使角色成为您自己的角色
- 清新的艺术风格,为您带来简单愉快的体验
- 直观的控制重点是有趣并吸引你
- 与全球陌生人竞争的排行榜
- 智能分享将捕捉你的胜利高分时刻